Dracula Untold

Download Dracula Untold Movie HD Wallpapers Gallery, Photos, Images, Pictures, Pics for your Desktop, Laptop, PC & Smartphones. Browse the below gallery of Dracula Untold Movie Wallpapers, which is available in different size in HD (High-Definition) resolution. Also Check out the Movie Cast, Actor, Actress, Release Date, etc.

Dracula Untold HD Wallpapers

Starring – Dracula Untold

Luke Evans as Vlad III Țepeș, the man who becomes the mythological Dracula
Sarah Gadon as Mirena, wife of Vlad
Dominic Cooper as Mehmed II
Samantha Barks as Baba Yaga, a beautiful woman who turns into an evil witch
Art Parkinson as Ingeras, son of Vlad / Dracula
Charles Dance as Caligula, the Roman emperor turned ancient demon and the one who turns Dracula into a vampire.
Charlie Cox
William Houston as Cazan
Ferdinand Kingsley as Hamza Bey
Noah Huntley as Captain Petru
Dilan Gwyn as Governess
Zach McGowan as Shkelgim, a gypsy chief
Ronan Vibert as Simion “The Wise”
Diarmaid Murtagh as Dimitru
Thor Kristjansson as Bright Eyes, a former slave who is now an assassin in the Ottoman Army
Joseph Long as Ömer